Bridget (nee Bridget Hall) is originally from San Antonio, TX and graduated from Kaiserslautern American High School in Kaiserslautern, Germany. She was a Wake County Schools Teaching Partner until she “retired” in 2002 to provide daycare for our grandchildren (Nathan – born 12/11/2001, and Nora – born 10/6/2004). After they were both in school and daycare was no longer needed, Bridget began working on her post-graduate “degrees” in Senior Bingo. and Mahjong.

Walt (aka ‘Russ‘) is originally from Everett, MA and met Bridget in Germany, while serving in the USAF. He worked for IBM for 35 years, before retiring in 2002. Now-a-days he mostly “putters” around. He does a lot of walking while listening to audio books. Other hobbies include home automation (Z-Wave, Alexa, Nest, Ring, Arlo, etc.). He is the webmaster for TAC Missileers, Inc., Sembach Missileers and EHS1962.org.